Tuesday, August 26, 2014

My take on the much talked about Midlife Crisis Issues....

Depression at 38 vs. Inner Peace at 40
An open letter confession, from a well-loved actress...the death of an iconic hollywood star... tv series, forums and movies talking about this topic made me remember my own take on MIDLIFE CRISIS...years back I had a chance to experience my ex-husbands' midlife crisis moments and I was patient enough to understand the transition ... the sudden change of his personality created a certain bump in our relationship...his need for a career shift, the idea of reconnecting with highschool exes, the hunger for attention and all those midlife crisis symptoms from bands to big bikes became an issue...For awhile there... I was the supportive wife ...(reading books and blogs to understand his situation)..let me just say that those were the most stressful and depressing years of my life..the hope to survive the trial kept me going... but far from what is expected...things changed for the worse, he left our kids to my mom while I was still out of the country, continued his affairs with his old flings, one lie led to another and basically told me he wants to be a SINGLE MAN again (to find himself) So I had to accept the fact that this CRISIS took over our life...
Now fast forward a little....the familiar feeling is COMING BACK.... Not really sure if I'm having the same old Midlife Crisis moments but there are definitely some transitions taking place...at 40's... priorities have changed...now the need to be more personal came in..taking care of my health and  the people around me suddenly became much more important...the idea of  Quality vs. Quantity on friendship became very obvious...feeling good about myself  and knowing that I deserve better is my daily mantra...the question of my Life's purpose kicked in...suddenly I was focusing on my bucket lists, simple life, togetherness,captured memories.. lots and lots of family pictures....If this is midlife crisis, my only hope is that it will be more of a positive thing for me. I am proud of how I've handled my first 40 years (learned a lot )  and I'm just hoping that the next 40 will be a blast. Changes is bound to happen in ones' life but at the end of the day I think everything will still depend on the choices that we make.I believe in the Law of attraction...I somehow believe that the universe will only echo back what I shout out.. and for now I choose to be HAPPY...after what I've been thru..I can be depressed... (but I'm fighting it with all my might)..I'm  trying to practice a bit more of gratitude in everything, because it's when we're grateful even at the smallest blessings or the littlest victories..I feel we become more happy..
MIDLIFE CRISIS once ruined my life... I am not going to let it happen again... Because now.. 
I am-in-charge :) Carpe Diem !!!! 
If you want to be happy...then Be :)